Journalism 120

Course Content: This is a semester course designed to introduce students to the world of journalism. The course will focus on how technology has affected journalism and the implications of these effects and what impact they will have on journalism in the future. The course will also deal with the basics of journalism from how to write and gather news to how the news is presented today. Students will apply what they learn in various media productions. Some productions could include online newspapers, yearbook, video productions and podcasts.

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Grading per semester:
Influence/Impact: 30%
Storytelling: 30%
Work Assignment/Practice: 40%
Final mark from units will be calculated for 70% before the final assignment.
Final Assignment and Exam Written Reflection: 30% (or adjusted as per attendance incentive policy, if applicable)

Students must obtain a minimum mark of 60% to pass this course.
There is a final assignment in January.

Extra Help: If at any time a student is having difficulty in the course, extra help is available upon a student’s request or as determined by the teacher.

Absenteeism: Any student who misses a class is responsible for the material missed. Many of the assignments will be posted on the Journalism blog.

Note: Sometimes students may be required to do some work outside of classroom time. It is necessary for students to do the required assignments or their lack of participation will be addressed according to school policy.

Outline subject to change